Alexander Layko's life

Alexander sat in his computer chair, crying for the 1st time today. "Why won't women date a nice guy like me?!" he exclaimed at himself. Alexander had multiple tabs open of /r9k/, the only board that seemed to be temporary escapism from his soul-crushing miserable reality.
After crying for what seemed an eternity, Alexander began to recollect himself and continue on with his lonely life. He proceeded to get dressed for his work. Alexander worked part-time at a market as a cashier, earning 10 dollars an hour while constantly thinking about the women he sees as they hand him money.
Alexander had one girlfriend in his life, but she proved to be an adulterous, manipulative drunk. He drove to his work, as usual every day, recording himself as he ranted about his insecurity and Chad. After working his 5-hour shift, he drove back home.
Here he sat in his computer chair, weeping while visiting /r9k/ for the remainder of the day until bedtime. He cried himself to sleep that night. Alexander woke up in the morning, still as gloomy as before. Alexander sat in his computer chair, crying for the 1st time today. "Why won't women date a nice guy like me?!" he exclaimed at himself.